Results for 'Carlos Castro Perelman'

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  1.  31
    Further Insights into Thermal Relativity Theory and Black Hole Thermodynamics.Carlos Castro Perelman - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 51 (5):1-14.
    We continue to explore the consequences of Thermal Relativity Theory to the physics of black holes. The thermal analog of Lorentz transformations in the tangent space of the thermodynamic manifold are studied in connection to the Hawking evaporation of Schwarzschild black holes and one finds that there is no bound to the thermal analog of proper accelerations despite the maximal bound on the thermal analog of velocity given by the Planck temperature. The proper entropic infinitesimal interval corresponding to the Kerr–Newman (...)
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  2.  29
    Novel Remarks on Point Mass Sources, Firewalls, Null Singularities and Gravitational Entropy.Carlos Castro Perelman - 2016 - Foundations of Physics 46 (1):14-27.
    A continuous family of static spherically symmetric solutions of Einstein’s vacuum field equations with a spatial singularity at the origin \ is found. These solutions are parametrized by a real valued parameter \ and such that the radial horizon’s location is displaced continuously towards the singularity ) as \ increases. In the extreme limit \, the location of the singularity and horizon merges leading to a null singularity. In this extreme case, any infalling observer hits the null singularity at the (...)
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  3. Against the Tide. A Critical Review by Scientists of How Physics and Astronomy Get Done.Martín López Corredoira & Carlos Castro Perelman (eds.) - 2008 - Universal Publishers.
    Nobody should have a monopoly of the truth in this universe. The censorship and suppression of challenging ideas against the tide of mainstream research, the blacklisting of scientists, for instance, is neither the best way to do and filter science, nor to promote progress in the human knowledge. The removal of good and novel ideas from the scientific stage is very detrimental to the pursuit of the truth. There are instances in which a mere unqualified belief can occasionally be converted (...)
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  4.  43
    ¿Una Filosofía Del Cuerpo En Kant?: Una Aproximación Estético-Antropológica.Juan Carlos Castro Hernández - 2011 - Praxis Filosófica 28:169-180.
    Constituye un lugar común en la filosofía de Kant, reducir el papel del cuerpoal aporte que las intuiciones sensibles ofrecen para el conocimiento fenoménico.Otro lugar común lo constituyen las restricciones que para con éstos,se establecen dentro de la filosofía moral. Desde ambos horizontes lasfunciones tanto de la sensibilidad como de la corporalidad, se presentancomo subordinadas, bien al entendimiento teórico, bien a la razón práctica.El propósito de este artículo está destinado a señalar el rol de primer ordenque ambas facultades, poseen para (...)
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    Citizens at work.Enrique Lafuente, José Carlos Loredo & Jorge Castro - 2015 - History of the Human Sciences 28 (1):84-97.
    The work of the American educator and academic Arland D. Weeks (1871–1936) constitutes an interesting effort to contribute to the reform of society on the basis of an adequate knowledge of the human mind. He was a political progressivist, and his writings are representative of the prevailing pragmatist, functionalist ‘spirit of the times’. Deeply concerned with the making of good citizens, he approached the field of work with a critical eye, making specific recommendations and proposals for improving the efficiency and (...)
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  6.  25
    Validez ejemplar, sentido común y universalismo: um estudio sobre la ejemplaridad en Kant y en la retórica aristotélica.Juan Carlos Castro Hernandez - 2019 - Trans/Form/Ação 42 (3):33-54.
    Resumen: Una de las nociones más controvertidas dentro de las interpretaciones contemporáneas de la Crítica de la facultad de juzgar, es la de “sentido común”. Junto a éste, Kant propuso un nuevo modelo de validez normativa calificada como “ejemplar”, cuyo planteamiento resulta bastante problemático. El presente artículo propone una lectura y una interpretación de este tipo de validez, a partir de la reactualización realizada por Alessandro Ferrara, y desde el horizonte de la tradición retórica, representada por Aristóteles Con ello se (...)
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  7.  18
    Entre peregrinos y convertidos: tensiones en la investigación de sistemas religiosos de inspiración afro en Colombia.Luis Carlos Castro Ramírez - 2024 - RAPHISA REVISTA DE ANTROPOLOGÍA Y FILOSOFÍA DE LO SAGRADO 7 (1):29-57.
    El presente artículo es el resultado de reflexiones teóricas-metodológicas alrededor del estudio del fenómeno religioso, específicamente el que concierne al de sistemas religiosos de inspiración afro en Colombia entre 2003-2023. El objetivo es analizar las problemáticas de la investigación sobre estos sistemas religiosos en diáspora dentro del contexto nacional. La discusión señala una serie de tensiones y contradicciones teóricas-metodológicas en las que se ven involucradas/os las/os investigadoras/es insertas/os en el mundo académico, las cuales inician desde el momento mismo en que (...)
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  8.  9
    El retorno del cuerpo: de abyecciones y vulnerabilidades.Carlos Mendiola Mejía & Francisco Castro Merrifield (eds.) - 2019 - México, Ciudad de México: Ediciones Navarra.
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  9.  52
    The String Uncertainty Relations Follow from the New Relativity Principle.Carlos Castro - 2000 - Foundations of Physics 30 (8):1301-1316.
    Stringy corrections to the ordinary Heisenberg uncertainty relations have been known for some time. However, a proper understanding of the underlying new physical principle modifying the ordinary Heisenberg uncertainty relations has not yet emerged. The author has recently proposed a new scale relativity theory as a physical foundation of string and M theories. In this work the stringy uncertainty relations, and corrections thereof, are rigorously derived from this new relativity principle without any ad-hoc assumptions. The precise connection between the Regge (...)
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  10.  16
    Religiosidad popular y pluralismo ideológico. Significaciones religiosas y políticas en torno a la Semana Santa de Huelva.José Carlos Mancha Castro - 2023 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 28:e88770.
    En este artículo se analiza la relación entre el proceso de laicización o secularización de lo religioso y el crecimiento de los rituales de religiosidad popular en el contexto de las sociedades modernas contemporáneas a partir de un análisis etnográfico del ritual de la Semana Santa de la ciudad de Huelva. Haciendo uso de una metodología etnográfica de corte cualitativo, imbricada con técnicas de investigación cuantitativas de carácter sociológico, ponemos sobre análisis las significaciones religiosas e ideológico políticas de actores que (...)
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  11.  4
    Manual de teoría del delito.Carlos Castro Cuenca - 2017 - Bogotá, D.C.: Editorial Universidad del Rosario.
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    Derecho penal en la sociedad del riesgo.Carlos Castro Cuenca - 2009 - Bogotá, D.C., Colombia: Ibáñez. Edited by Henao Cardona, Luis Felipe & Gustavo Balmaceda Hoyos.
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  13. On Nonlinear Quantum Mechanics, Noncommutative Phase Spaces, Fractal-Scale Calculus and Vacuum Energy.Carlos Castro - 2010 - Foundations of Physics 40 (11):1712-1730.
    A (to our knowledge) novel Generalized Nonlinear Schrödinger equation based on the modifications of Nottale-Cresson’s fractal-scale calculus and resulting from the noncommutativity of the phase space coordinates is explicitly derived. The modifications to the ground state energy of a harmonic oscillator yields the observed value of the vacuum energy density. In the concluding remarks we discuss how nonlinear and nonlocal QM wave equations arise naturally from this fractal-scale calculus formalism which may have a key role in the final formulation of (...)
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  14. Born’s Reciprocal Gravity in Curved Phase-Spaces and the Cosmological Constant.Carlos Castro - 2012 - Foundations of Physics 42 (8):1031-1055.
    The main features of how to build a Born’s Reciprocal Gravitational theory in curved phase-spaces are developed. By recurring to the nonlinear connection formalism of Finsler geometry a generalized gravitational action in the 8D cotangent space (curved phase space) can be constructed involving sums of 5 distinct types of torsion squared terms and 2 distinct curvature scalars ${\mathcal{R}}, {\mathcal{S}}$ which are associated with the curvature in the horizontal and vertical spaces, respectively. A Kaluza-Klein-like approach to the construction of the curvature (...)
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  15. On Dark Energy, Weyl’s Geometry, Different Derivations of the Vacuum Energy Density and the Pioneer Anomaly.Carlos Castro - 2007 - Foundations of Physics 37 (3):366-409.
    Two different derivations of the observed vacuum energy density are presented. One is based on a class of proper and novel generalizations of the de Sitter solutions in terms of a family of radial functions R that provides an explicit formula for the cosmological constant along with a natural explanation of the ultraviolet/infrared entanglement required to solve this problem. A nonvanishing value of the vacuum energy density of the order of ${10^{- 123} M_{\rm Planck}^4}$ is derived in agreement with the (...)
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  16.  91
    The Extended Relativity Theory in Born-Clifford Phase Spaces with a Lower and Upper Length Scales and Clifford Group Geometric Unification.Carlos Castro - 2005 - Foundations of Physics 35 (6):971-1041.
    We construct the Extended Relativity Theory in Born-Clifford-Phase spaces with an upper R and lower length λ scales (infrared/ultraviolet cutoff). The invariance symmetry leads naturally to the real Clifford algebra Cl (2, 6, R) and complexified Clifford Cl C (4) algebra related to Twistors. A unified theory of all Noncommutative branes in Clifford-spaces is developed based on the Moyal-Yang star product deformation quantization whose deformation parameter involves the lower/upper scale $$(\hbar \lambda / R)$$. Previous work led us to show from (...)
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  17.  62
    How Much Time Does a Measurement Take?Carlos Alexandre Brasil, L. A. de Castro & R. D. J. Napolitano - 2013 - Foundations of Physics 43 (5):642-655.
    We consider the problem of measurement using the Lindblad equation, which allows the introduction of time in the interaction between the measured system and the measurement apparatus. We use analytic results, valid for weak system-environment coupling, obtained for a two-level system in contact with a measurer (Markovian interaction) and a thermal bath (non-Markovian interaction), where the measured observable may or may not commute with the system-environment interaction. Analysing the behavior of the coherence, which tends to a value asymptotically close to (...)
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  18.  10
    franquismo en el aula. Una propuesta didáctica alternativa.José Carlos Mancha Castro - 2019 - Clío: History and History Teaching 45:268-300.
    El presente artículo analiza cómo se desarrolla el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la historia del franquismo en las aulas de secundaria y propone un modelo metodológico alternativo, centrado en una didáctica del sentir la historia situada. A través de una metodología investigativa, de carácter constructivista, y centrada en el aprendizaje significativo, se propone abordar la comprensión y el estudio de la dictadura franquista investigando y poniendo en reflexión hechos sociales y simbólicos de carácter local. La finalidad es acercar el objeto (...)
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  19.  40
    On Superluminal Particles and the Extended Relativity Theories.Carlos Castro - 2012 - Foundations of Physics 42 (9):1135-1152.
    Superluminal particles are studied within the framework of the Extended Relativity theory in Clifford spaces (C-spaces). In the simplest scenario, it is found that it is the contribution of the Clifford scalar component π of the poly-vector-valued momentum which is responsible for the superluminal behavior in ordinary spacetime due to the fact that the effective mass $\mathcal{M} = \sqrt{ M^{2} - \pi^{2} }$ is imaginary (tachyonic). However, from the point of view of C-space, there is no superluminal (tachyonic) behavior because (...)
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  20.  47
    On Weyl geometry, random processes, and geometric quantum mechanics.Carlos Castro - 1992 - Foundations of Physics 22 (4):569-615.
    This paper discusses some of the technical problems related to a Weylian geometrical interpretation of the Schrödinger and Klein-Gordon equations proposed by E. Santamato. Solutions to these technical problems are proposed. A general prescription for finding out the interdependence between a particle's effective mass and Weyl's scalar curvature is presented which leads to the fundamental equation of geometric quantum mechanics, $$m(R)\frac{{dm(R)}}{{dR}} = \frac{{\hbar ^2 }}{{c^2 }}$$ The Dirac equation is rigorously derived within this formulation, and further problems to be solved (...)
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  21.  75
    Extended Scale Relativity, p-Loop Harmonic Oscillator, and Logarithmic Corrections to the Black Hole Entropy.Carlos Castro & Alex Granik - 2003 - Foundations of Physics 33 (3):445-466.
    An extended scale relativity theory, actively developed by one of the authors, incorporates Nottale's scale relativity principle where the Planck scale is the minimum impassible invariant scale in Nature, and the use of polyvector-valued coordinates in C-spaces (Clifford manifolds) where all lengths, areas, volumes⋅ are treated on equal footing. We study the generalization of the ordinary point-particle quantum mechanical oscillator to the p-loop (a closed p-brane) case in C-spaces. Its solution exhibits some novel features: an emergence of two explicit scales (...)
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  22.  70
    On Clifford Space Relativity, Black Hole Entropy, Rainbow Metrics, Generalized Dispersion and Uncertainty Relations.Carlos Castro - 2014 - Foundations of Physics 44 (9):990-1008.
    An analysis of some of the applications of Clifford space relativity to the physics behind the modified black hole entropy-area relations, rainbow metrics, generalized dispersion and minimal length stringy uncertainty relations is presented.
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  23.  30
    Reconnaissance et temporalités.Juan Carlos Pita Castro - 2016 - Temporalités 24.
    « Que désirons-nous faire reconnaître lorsque nous luttons pour une reconnaissance? Une identité, un statut, une qualité? Ou bien un savoir, une histoire, une mémoire? Entre ces deux séries, la différence, apparemment infime, est sans doute considérable : de l’une à l’autre s’est ajoutée une épaisseur temporelle ». Les actes de reconnaissance, comme ceux de mépris, que ce soit par l’intermédiaire de dispositifs téléologiques ou d’interactions intersubjectives, sont des act...
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  24.  44
    The Charge–Mass–Spin Relation of Clifford Polyparticles, Kerr–Newman Black Holes and the Fine Structure Constant.Carlos Castro - 2004 - Foundations of Physics 34 (7):1091-1113.
    A Clifford-algebraic interpretation is proposed of the charge, mass, spin relationship found recently by Cooperstock and Faraoini, which was based on the Kerr–Newman metric solutions of the Einstein–Maxwell equations. The components of the polymomentum associated with a Clifford polyparticle in four dimensions provide for such a charge, mass, spin relationship without the problems encountered in Kaluza–Klein compactifications which furnish an unphysically large value for the electron charge. A physical reasoning behind such charge, mass, spin relationship is provided, followed by a (...)
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  25.  21
    Coaching ejecutivo más allá de la relación diádica: el problema del contexto y la cultura organizacionales.Juan Carlos Revilla Castro, Sergio Cardona Herrero & María Trinidad Arqueros Fernández - 2022 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 27 (1).
    El coaching ejecutivo ha dado lugar a numerosos desarrollos de orientación básicamente prescriptiva. Una perspectiva crítica y con base empírica puede permitir ir más allá de la retórica del coaching e identificar las tensiones y las contradicciones de los procesos de coaching en un contexto organizacional, como entorno relacional y cultural. El objetivo de este trabajo es acercarnos críticamente al coaching ejecutivo individual en la práctica, estableciendo las diferencias entre lo preconizado por las teorías y los expertos del coaching y (...)
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  26.  30
    Juicio reflexionante, sentido común y ejemplaridad. Un estudio del paradigma del Juicio y su recepción en Alessandro Ferrara y Hannah Arendt.Juan Carlos Castro-Hernández - 2020 - Co-herencia 17 (32):181-219.
    El paradigma del Juicio constituye un modelo de racionalidad que pretende elevarse como alternativa positiva ante los retos coyunturales introducidos por el giro lingüístico de la filosofía en el pensamiento contemporáneo. Frente a la difícil tarea de defender principios universalistas en la cultura actual, este modelo aspira a pronunciarse positivamente sobre cuestiones tales como la de la validez normativa que pueda afectar las relaciones entre acción humana y deliberación. Para alcanzar su objetivo, el paradigma del Juicio patrocina una forma de (...)
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  27.  19
    Límites y potenciales tecnosostenibles de la energía: una mirada heterodoxa y sistémica.Carlos de Castro - 2023 - Arbor 199 (807):a690.
    Las fuentes de energía no renovables (fósiles y nucleares) están doblemente limitadas, tanto por su finitud como por los perjuicios ecológicos y sociales que causan. Las fuentes de energía renovable tienen flujos en la biosfera muy grandes, sin embargo, los sistemas tecnológicos que las captan no son renovables y por tanto tienen limitaciones tecnológicas, ecológicas y sociales también. Aunque una buena parte de la literatura científica ha venido estimando que estos factores limitantes son pequeños frente a los políticos y económicos, (...)
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  28.  45
    Collective Effervescence, Self-Transcendence, and Gender Differences in Social Well-Being During 8 March Demonstrations.Larraitz N. Zumeta, Pablo Castro-Abril, Lander Méndez, José J. Pizarro, Anna Włodarczyk, Nekane Basabe, Ginés Navarro-Carrillo, Sonia Padoan-De Luca, Silvia da Costa, Itziar Alonso-Arbiol, Bárbara Torres-Gómez, Huseyin Cakal, Gisela Delfino, Elza M. Techio, Carolina Alzugaray, Marian Bilbao, Loreto Villagrán, Wilson López-López, José Ignacio Ruiz-Pérez, Cynthia C. Cedeño, Carlos Reyes-Valenzuela, Laura Alfaro-Beracoechea, Carlos Contreras-Ibáñez, Manuel Leonardo Ibarra, Hiram Reyes-Sosa, Rosa María Cueto, Catarina L. Carvalho & Isabel R. Pinto - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    8 March, now known as International Women’s Day, is a day for feminist claims where demonstrations are organized in over 150 countries, with the participation of millions of women all around the world. These demonstrations can be viewed as collective rituals and thus focus attention on the processes that facilitate different psychosocial effects. This work aims to explore the mechanisms involved in participation in the demonstrations of 8 March 2020, collective and ritualized feminist actions, and their correlates associated with personal (...)
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  29.  42
    Características de validade convergente e divergente de instrumentos de avaliação da personalidade com o Inventário de Estilos de Personalidade de Millon.João Carlos Alchieri, Janaína Castro Núñez, Clarissa Socal Cervo & Cláudio Simon Hutz - 2008 - Revista Aletheia 28:119-134.
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  30.  38
    Debating about publishers and their heritage: 2nd dossier.Daniel Melo, Carlos da Veiga Ferreira, Fernando Paulouro Neves & Francisco Pedro Lyon de Castro - 2013 - Cultura:321-345.
    Este dossiê representa a continuidade de um projecto centrado no património dos agentes ligados à produção, circulação e recepção do livro. A partir da história e dos espólios de empresas editoriais e de coleccionadores, bibliófilos e/ou divulgadores, a introdução problematizante e os depoimentos convocam a memória dos agentes e debatem as ameaças que pendem sobre essa herança cultural riquíssima e possíveis soluções. As boas práticas de vários países impõem uma reflexão inadiável para o contexto português: que vias de cooperação inter-institucional (...)
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    Impact of Family and Friends on Antisocial Adolescent Behavior: The Mediating Role of Impulsivity and Empathy.David Álvarez-García, Paloma González-Castro, José Carlos Núñez, Celestino Rodríguez & Rebeca Cerezo - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Dissertações e Teses v.2 n.3.Carlos Frederico Barboza de Souza, Maria Aparecida Carvalho de Castro, Cleto Caliman, João Pereira Pinto & Douglas Cabral Dantas - 2003 - Horizonte 2 (3):131-135.
    No mais profundo centro: João da Cruz e o Sufismo Sadili cantam a união transformante Carlos Frederico Barboza de Souza O camelô em Belo Horizonte: aspectos da informalidade e da identidade Maria Aparecida Carvalho de Castro Igreja, povo de Deus, sujeito da comunhão e da missão Cleto Caliman A literatura como questionamento do sujeito da modernidade: Memórias do cárcere, de Graciliano Ramos, e A peste, de Albert Camus João Pereira Pinto O ensino religioso na rede pública estadual de (...)
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  33.  39
    Attitudes of the Portuguese population towards advance directives: an online survey.Rui Nunes, Luísa Castro & João Carlos Macedo - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-10.
    BackgroundAdvance directives (ADs) were implemented in Portugal in 2012. Although more than a decade has passed since Law 25/2012 came into force, Portuguese people have very low levels of adherence. In this context, this study aimed to identify and analyse the attitudes of people aged 18 or older living in Portugal towards ADs and to determine the relationships between sociodemographic variables (gender/marital status/religion/level of education/residence/whether they were a health professional/whether they had already drawn up a living will) and people’s attitudes (...)
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    Avoiding the Inherent Limitations in Datasets Used for Measuring Aesthetics When Using a Machine Learning Approach.Adrian Carballal, Carlos Fernandez-Lozano, Nereida Rodriguez-Fernandez, Luz Castro & Antonino Santos - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-12.
    An important topic in evolutionary art is the development of systems that can mimic the aesthetics decisions made by human begins, e.g., fitness evaluations made by humans using interactive evolution in generative art. This paper focuses on the analysis of several datasets used for aesthetic prediction based on ratings from photography websites and psychological experiments. Since these datasets present problems, we proposed a new dataset that is a subset of Subsequently, three different evaluation methods were considered, one derived from (...)
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  35.  65
    Research, Development, and Innovation in Extremadura.Andoni Alsonso, Luis Casas, Carlos Castro & Fernando Solís - 2004 - Philosophy Today 48 (Supplement):16-22.
  36.  41
    De ingeniosa maledicentia estéváo Rodrigues de Castro ε a recep£ áo de arquíloco no renascimento.Carlos A. Martins De Jesús - 2007 - Humanitas 59:241-256.
  37.  9
    Fons vitae.Federico de Ibn Gabirol, Carlos del Castro Y. Fernández & Valle - 1987 - Barcelona: Riopiedras. Edited by Federico de Castro Y. Fernández & Carlos del Valle.
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    A Saga da Genoveva Pia Na Cadência Madrugal D’Os Tambores.Maria dos Milagres da Cruz Lopes & José Carlos de Castro Dantas - 2024 - Thaumàzein - Rivista di Filosofia 17 (34):1-7.
    The reflection proposed in this article aims to briefly consider philosophy and literature on the saga of Genoveva Pia in the early morning cadence of the drums of São Luís (1975), a novel by the great poet from Maranhão, Josué Montello (1917-2006), in which a narrative is made between fiction and the reality of the Brazilian colonial slave period on the historical soil of São Luís, Ma. To this end, the text is divided into two parts: firstly, it looks at (...)
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    Putting Continuous Metaheuristics to Work in Binary Search Spaces.Broderick Crawford, Ricardo Soto, Gino Astorga, José García, Carlos Castro & Fernando Paredes - 2017 - Complexity:1-19.
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    Fr. Alfonso de Castro (1495-1558), Consejero de Carlos V y de Felipe II.Manuel de Castro - 1958 - Salmanticensis 5 (28):1-322.
  41.  25
    A Translational Perspective of Maternal Immune Activation by SARS-CoV-2 on the Potential Prenatal Origin of Neurodevelopmental Disorders: The Role of the Cholinergic Anti-inflammatory Pathway.José Javier Reyes-Lagos, Eric Alonso Abarca-Castro, Juan Carlos Echeverría, Hugo Mendieta-Zerón, Alejandra Vargas-Caraveo & Gustavo Pacheco-López - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The emergent Coronavirus Disease 2019 caused by the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 could produce a maternal immune activation via the inflammatory response during gestation that may impair fetal neurodevelopment and lead to postnatal and adulthood mental illness and behavioral dysfunctions. However, so far, limited evidence exists regarding long-term physiological, immunological, and neurodevelopmental modifications produced by the SARS-CoV-2 in the human maternal-fetal binomial and, particularly, in the offspring. Relevant findings derived from epidemiological and preclinical models show that a MIA (...)
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  42. Introducing Castro Alves.Antônio Carlos Secchin - 2000 - Diogenes 48 (191):84-90.
    Antônio de Castro Alves was born on 1 March 1847 on the Fazenda das Cabaceiras (Cabaceiras Farm) in the state of Bahia, and died in July 1871 in Salvador, the state capital. For this short twenty-four year span of his life he represented, as no one else in Brazil did, the myth of the Romantic poet and hero.His literary vocation became clear very early on. Coming from a well-to-do family, he studied law in Recife (the capital of Pernambuco), Salvador (...)
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    Earth and World(s): From Heidegger’s Fourfold to Contemporary Anthropology.Carlos A. Segovia & Sofya Gevorkyan - 2021 - Open Philosophy 4 (1):58-82.
    This article aims at contributing to the contemporary reception of Heidegger’s thought in eco-philosophical perspective. Its point of departure is Heidegger’s claim, in his Bremen lectures and The Question Concerning Technology, that today the earth is submitted to permanent requisition and planned ordering, and that, having thus lost sight of its auto-poiesis, we are no longer capable of listening, tuning in, and singing back to what he calls in his course on Heraclitus the “song of the earth.” Accordingly, first we (...)
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  44.  35
    Paul and the Plea for Contingency in Contemporary Philosophy: A Philosophical and Anthropological Critique.Carlos A. Segovia & Sofya Gevorkyan - 2020 - Open Philosophy 3 (1):625-656.
    Our purpose in this study – which stands at the crossroads of contemporary philosophy, anthropology, and religious studies – is to assess critically the plea for radical contingency in contemporary thought, with special attention to the work of Meillassoux, in light, among other things, of the symptomatic presence of Pauline motifs in the late twentieth to early twenty first-century philosophical arena, from Vattimo to Agamben and especially Badiou. Drawing on Aristotle’s treatment of τύχη and Hilan Bensusan’s neo-monadology (as well as (...)
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    The Effect of Parental Control on Cyber-Victimization in Adolescence: The Mediating Role of Impulsivity and High-Risk Behaviors.David Álvarez-García, José Carlos Núñez, Paloma González-Castro, Celestino Rodríguez & Rebeca Cerezo - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  46.  17
    Analéctica latinoamericana: un pensamiento descolonizador para el siglo XXI.Carlos Francisco Bauer - 2020 - Buenos Aires, Argentina: Prometeo Libros.
    Los procesos educativos deben asumir de modo expreso, reflexiva y críticamente nuestros ethos originarios (histórica, filosófica y antropológicamente hablando), las condiciones de marginalidad y exclusión de la mayoría de la población mundial, y la de nuestro país dentro de la planificación del desarrollo global. Y deben, desde esta reflexión, asumir el progreso científico y tecnológico que se transfiere y realiza, en los diferentes países como en las universidades, teniendo como fin la satisfacción de nuestras necesidades integrales, y no la inserción (...)
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  47.  12
    Unamuno: el poeta del pensamiento.Ángeles Cerón, Francisco de Jesús, Luis Álvarez Castro, Ángeles de León, José Miguel, Durán Ugalde, Carla María, Nazzareno Fioraso, Gemma Gordo Piñar, Hernández Moreno, Jesús Carlos, Claudio Maíz, Moreno Romo, Juan Carlos, Orejudo Pedrosa, Riccardo Pace, Carrillo Juárez & Carmen Dolores (eds.) - 2018 - Querétaro (México): Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro.
    If Unamuno had been able to choose how to be remembered, he would have wanted him to be a poet. This book wants to do justice to that happy possibility. But above all because Unamuno was a poet in the highest sense: he was while writing the same essay as a novel, or theater, letter or verse, and he was also a poet when he passionately lived all the facets of his intense existence. His intellectual work was poetic and his (...)
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  48. Américo Castro y el "senequismo".Juan-Carlos García Borrón - 1955 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 14 (55):555.
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  49.  25
    Ethiek en retoriek: Beschouwingen bij een actuele vraag vanuit antieke en middeleeuwse denken.Carlos Steel - 1979 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 41 (3):405 - 432.
    La logique spécifique des jugements de valeur est à chercher dans le discours rhétorique. Cette thèse développée par Ch. Perelman dans L'Empire rhétorique (1977) nous rappelle l'introduction à l'éthique de Jean Buridan (XIVe s.). Selon Buridan la philosophie morale ne peut se contenter d'appliquer la logique générale: elle a besoin d'une logique spéciale, une „logique morale” qui n'est rien autre que la technique persuasive qu'on étudie dans la Rhétorique. Roger Bacon (XlIIe s.) a même essayé d'intégrer cette rhétorique dans (...)
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  50. "De ingeniosa maledicentia" Estevao Rodrigues de Castro e a recepçao de Arquíloco no Renascimento.Carlos A. Martins de Jesus - 2007 - Humanitas 59:241-256.
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